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Carpet Cleaning

Freshen up your carpets with our carpet cleaning solutions

2 hr
From 40 euros
Customer's Place

Service Description

Transform your living space with the professional carpet cleaning services. Our team uses a powerful extraction cleaner and eco-friendly cleaning supplies to effectively remove dirt, stains, and debris from your carpets, leaving them looking brighter and fresher than ever before. Whether you need your living room rug or staircase carpets cleaned, our team has got you covered. Say goodbye to dingy carpets and hello to a clean, fresh living space

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellations will need to be done more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled cleaning appointment. Failure to do so will result in 50% of the cleaning fee. *Cancellations are a result of not having access to the property during the time of the clean

Contact Details


Shaige Cleaning Services, Annabella, Cork, Ireland

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